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A Review of Foundations of Christian Doctrine Kevin Conner Pdf 22: A Classic Resource for Students, Teachers, Pastors, and Laypeople

Foundations of Christian Doctrine Kevin Conner Pdf 22

If you are looking for a comprehensive and systematic study of the basic teachings of Christianity, you might be interested in Foundations of Christian Doctrine by Kevin Conner. This book is a classic resource that has been used by thousands of students, teachers, pastors, and laypeople for over 40 years. In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book is about, why it is important for Christians, what are the main topics covered in it, and how you can get a copy of it in PDF or print format.

Foundations Of Christian Doctrine Kevin Conner Pdf 22

What is Foundations of Christian Doctrine?

Foundations of Christian Doctrine is a book that aims to provide a clear and concise exposition of the essential doctrines of Christianity. It is based on the author's extensive teaching experience in Bible colleges, seminars, and churches around the world. It is designed to help readers understand and apply biblical truths to their lives.

The book consists of 16 chapters that cover various aspects of Christian doctrine, such as the Bible, God, man, sin, Christ, salvation, the church, the ministry, the ordinances, the kingdom, and the last things. Each chapter includes an introduction, an outline, a detailed discussion, a summary, review questions, and suggested readings. The book also contains charts, diagrams, and illustrations that help explain complex concepts.

Who is Kevin Conner?

Kevin Conner is the author of Foundations of Christian Doctrine and many other books on biblical studies, theology, and church history. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1927 and became a Christian at the age of 14. He served as a pastor, teacher, and leader in various churches and ministries for over 70 years. He was also the founder and president of the Commonwealth Bible College and the International School of Ministry.

Kevin Conner was widely recognized as a respected scholar and anointed teacher who had a passion for God's Word and God's people. He had a gift for making complex subjects simple and practical. He influenced many generations of Christians with his insightful and relevant teachings. He passed away in 2019 at the age of 92.

Why is this book important for Christians?

Foundations of Christian Doctrine is important for Christians because it helps them to grow in their knowledge and love of God. It also helps them to be faithful and fruitful in their service and witness for Christ. Here are some of the benefits and challenges of studying Christian doctrine:

  • It strengthens our faith by showing us the reliability and authority of God's Word.

  • It deepens our understanding by explaining the core beliefs and values of Christianity.

  • It enriches our worship by revealing the greatness and glory of God.

  • It transforms our lives by applying the principles and promises of God.

  • It equips our ministry by providing us with the tools and skills to teach and share God's truth.

  • It unites our fellowship by promoting harmony and cooperation among God's people.

  • It challenges our thinking by exposing the errors and dangers of false teachings.

  • It inspires our hope by pointing us to the future plans and purposes of God.

Studying Christian doctrine is not an easy task. It requires time, effort, and humility. It also requires prayer, guidance, and discernment. It is not enough to just read or memorize facts and formulas. We need to meditate on them, question them, test them, and apply them. We need to seek the Holy Spirit's illumination, conviction, and empowerment. We need to be open to correction, feedback, and dialogue. We need to be willing to learn from others, especially from those who have gone before us in the faith.

Studying Christian doctrine is also not an end in itself. It is a means to an end. The end is to know God personally and intimately, to love Him wholeheartedly and passionately, and to serve Him faithfully and fruitfully. The end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

What are the main topics covered in Foundations of Christian Doctrine?

Foundations of Christian Doctrine covers 16 main topics that are essential for every Christian to know and understand. These topics are organized into four major sections: the Word of God, the Works of God, the Ways of God, and the Will of God. Here is a brief overview of each topic:

The Bible: The Word of God

This topic deals with the nature, authority, and interpretation of the Scriptures. It answers questions such as: What is the Bible? How did it come into being? How can we trust it? How should we read it? How can we apply it?

The main points are:

  • The Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant, authoritative, sufficient, clear, and powerful Word of God.

  • The Bible consists of 66 books that form one unified story of God's revelation, redemption, and restoration.

  • The Bible has two major divisions: the Old Testament (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books).

  • The Bible has various genres or types of literature, such as history, poetry, prophecy, wisdom, gospel, epistle, etc.

  • The Bible has one central theme: Jesus Christ, who is the fulfillment of all the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament.

  • The Bible has one ultimate goal: to lead us to salvation through faith in Christ and to sanctification through obedience to Christ.

  • The Bible has four basic steps for interpretation: observation (what does it say?), interpretation (what does it mean?), correlation (how does it relate to other parts?), and application (how does it apply to me?).

God: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

This topic deals with the attributes, works, and relationships of the Trinity. It answers Man: The Image and Likeness of God

This topic deals with the origin, nature, and destiny of humanity. It answers questions such as: Where did we come from? What are we made of? What is our purpose? What is our problem? What is our hope?

The main points are:

  • Man was created by God in His image and likeness, which means that we have rationality, morality, spirituality, creativity, and relationality.

  • Man was created for God's glory and pleasure, which means that we are to worship, serve, enjoy, and reflect Him.

  • Man was created with a body, soul, and spirit, which means that we have physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

  • Man was created male and female, which means that we have complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family, and society.

  • Man was created with free will, which means that we have the ability and responsibility to choose between good and evil.

  • Man was corrupted by sin through the fall of Adam and Eve, which means that we have inherited a sinful nature and a guilty status before God.

  • Man was redeemed by Christ through His death and resurrection, which means that we have forgiveness of sins and eternal life through faith in Him.

  • Man will be restored by God through His final judgment and new creation, which means that we have the hope of resurrection and glorification in His presence.

Sin: The Fall and Depravity of Man

This topic deals with the origin, effects, and consequences of sin. It answers questions such as: What is sin? How did it enter the world? How does it affect us? How can we overcome it? How will it end?

The main points are:

  • Sin is any thought, word, or deed that violates God's holy character and law.

  • Sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

  • Sin affects us in three ways: it separates us from God (spiritual death), it corrupts us from within (moral depravity), and it subjects us to suffering (physical pain).

  • Sin can be overcome by God's grace through repentance (turning away from sin) and faith (turning to Christ).

  • Sin will end when God judges all sinners and destroys all evil at the second coming of Christ and the establishment of His eternal kingdom.

Christ: The Savior and Lord

This topic deals with the person, work, and offices of Jesus Christ. It answers questions such as: Who is Jesus? What did He do? Why did He do it? How can we know Him? How can we follow Him?

The main points are:

  • Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Man, which means that He is fully divine and fully human.

  • Jesus is the Messiah and the Savior, which means that He is the promised one who fulfills the prophecies and covenants of the Old Testament.

  • Jesus is the Lord and the King, which means that He has all authority and power in heaven and on earth.

  • Jesus performed many miracles and taught many parables to reveal His identity and mission.

  • Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead for our justification.

  • Jesus ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to empower His church.

  • Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead and to reign forever.

Salvation: The Grace and Faith of God

This topic deals with the meaning, basis, and results of salvation. It answers questions such as: What is salvation? How can we be saved? What happens when we are saved? What are the benefits of salvation? What are the evidences of salvation?

The main points are:

  • Salvation is God's act of delivering us from sin and death and bringing us into His kingdom and family.

  • We can be saved by God's grace through faith in Christ alone, not by our works or merits.

  • When we are saved, we experience regeneration (new birth), justification (right standing), adoption (sonship), sanctification (growth), and glorification (perfection).

  • The benefits of salvation include forgiveness of sins, peace with God, access to God, indwelling of the Spirit, assurance of salvation, eternal life, and inheritance of heaven.

  • The evidences of salvation include repentance from sin, obedience to God, love for God and others, fruit of the Spirit, and witness for Christ.

The Church: The Body and Bride of Christ

This topic deals with the nature, purpose, and functions of the church. It answers questions such as: What is the church? Why does it exist? How is it organized? How does it operate? How does it relate to the world?

The main points are:

  • The church is the universal and local assembly of all true believers in Christ.

  • The church exists to glorify God, edify one another, and evangelize the world.

  • The church is organized into two major categories: the clergy (pastors, elders, deacons) and the laity (members).

  • The church operates on the basis of four principles: unity (one body), diversity (many gifts), mutuality (interdependence), and ministry (service).

  • The church relates to the world in three ways: separation (from sin), transformation (of culture), and mission (to the nations).

The Ministry: The Gifts and Offices of the Spirit

This topic deals with the spiritual gifts and leadership roles in the church. It answers questions such as: What are spiritual gifts? How are they given? How are they used? What are the different types of gifts? What are the different types of offices?

The main points are:

  • Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to every believer for the common good of the church.

  • Spiritual gifts are given by God's sovereign will according to His grace and purpose.

  • Spiritual gifts are used for the edification of the church, the evangelization of the world, and the exaltation of God.

  • Spiritual gifts can be classified into three categories: motivational gifts (Romans 12:6-8), ministry gifts (Ephesians 4:11-12), and manifestation gifts (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).

  • Spiritual offices are leadership positions appointed by God and recognized by the church to oversee and shepherd His flock.

  • Spiritual offices can be classified into two categories: elders (also called pastors, overseers, bishops) and deacons (also called servants, ministers).

The Ordinances: The Symbols and Sacraments of the Church

This topic deals with the meaning and practice of baptism and communion. It answers questions such as: What are ordinances? Why do we observe them? How do we observe them? Who can participate in them?

The main points are:

  • Ordinances are visible signs and symbols that represent invisible realities and truths.

  • We observe ordinances because they were instituted by Christ and commanded by Him to His followers.

  • We observe ordinances by following His example and instructions as recorded in the Scriptures.

  • Baptism is an ordinance that symbolizes our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. It is an outward expression of our inward faith and repentance. It is a public testimony of our allegiance and commitment to Him. It is a sign of our entrance into His church and kingdom.

  • Communion (also called the Lord's Supper or Eucharist) is an ordinance that symbolizes our participation in Christ's body and blood. It is a memorial of His sacrificial death and a proclamation of His return. It is a means of grace that nourishes our souls and strengthens our faith. It is a sign of our fellowship with Him and with one another.

  • Both baptism and communion are open to all who have trusted in Christ as their Savior and Lord. They are not necessary for salvation but they are essential for obedience and growth.

The Kingdom: The Rule and Reign of God

This topic deals with the present and future aspects of God's kingdom. It answers questions such as: What is the kingdom of God? How did it come? How does it grow? How does it manifest? How will it end?

The main points are:

  • The kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God over all creation and history.

  • The kingdom of God came with the first coming of Christ, who inaugurated it by His life, death, resurrection, and ascension.

  • The kingdom of God grows with the spread of the gospel and the expansion of the church, which are the means and agents of His kingdom.

  • The kingdom of God manifests in various ways, such as signs and wonders, righteousness and justice, love and joy, and holiness and power.

  • The kingdom of God will end with the second coming of Christ, who will consummate it by His return, judgment, and reign.

The Last Things: The Return and Judgment of Christ

This topic deals with the major events and doctrines related to eschatology. It answers questions such as: What are the last things? When will they happen? How will they happen? What will be the outcome? What should we do?

The main points are:

  • The last things are the final events that will take place before and after the second coming of Christ.

  • The last things will happen according to God's sovereign plan and timetable, which are partially revealed and partially hidden in the Scriptures.

  • The last things will happen in a series of stages, such as the rapture (the catching up of the church), the tribulation (the period of great distress and deception), the antichrist (the false messiah and world leader), the Armageddon (the final battle between good and evil), the millennium (the thousand-year reign of Christ), the resurrection (the raising of the dead), the judgment (the evaluation and reward of all people), and the new heaven and new earth (the eternal state of bliss).

  • The outcome of the last things will be different for believers and unbelievers. Believers will enjoy eternal life with God in His presence, while unbelievers will suffer eternal death away from God in hell.

  • We should respond to the last things by being watchful (alert and ready), faithful (obedient and loyal), hopeful (confident and joyful), and evangelistic (witnessing and inviting).

How can you get a copy of Foundations of Christian Doctrine Kevin Conner Pdf 22?

If you are interested in getting a copy of Foundations of Christian Doctrine Kevin Conner Pdf 22, you have two options: downloading it as a PDF file or purchasing it as a paperback or hardcover edition. Here is how you can do either:

Downloading the book as a PDF file

If you want to download the book as a PDF file, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to

  • Click on "Add to cart".

  • Click on "View cart".

  • Click on "Proceed to checkout".

  • Fill in your billing details and payment method.

  • Click on "Place order".

  • You will receive an email with a link to download your PDF file.

Note that this option costs $22.00 USD and requires an internet connection to access your file.

Purchasing the book as a paperback or hardcover edition

If you want to purchase the book as a paperback or hardcover edition, you can choose from these options:


Paperback from$29.95 USDFree for Prime members or orders over $25 USD

Paperback from Book Depository$32.18 USDFree worldwide delivery

Hardcover from Kevin Conner Ministries$35.00 USDVaries depending on location

Note that these options may take longer to arrive and may incur additional costs such as taxes or customs fees.


Foundations of Christian Doctrine Kevin Conner Pdf 22 is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the basic teachings of Christianity. It covers 16 topics that are essential for every Christian to know and understand. It is written in a clear and concise way that makes complex subjects simple and practical. It is based on the author's extensive teaching experience and scholarly research. It is designed to help readers grow in their knowledge and love of God and His Word.

If you are interested in getting a copy of this book, you can download it as a PDF file or purchase it as a paperback or hardcover edition. You can also visit the author's website at to find out more about his other books and resources.

We hope that this article has given you an overview of what this book is about, why it is important for Christians, what are the main topics covered in it, and how you can get a copy of it. We encourage you to read this book and apply its teachings to your life. We believe that it will bless you and enrich your relationship with God.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Foundations of Christian Doctrine Kevin Conner Pdf 22:

  • Q: How long is the book?

  • A: The book has 600 pages, including the introduction, the index, and the bibliography.

  • Q: How long does it take to read the book?

A: It depends on your reading speed and comprehension level, but on average, it may take about 20 hours to read the whole book.<


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